For Parents

As a parent you know your child better than anyone. You know what he likes: play basketball and hang out with friends, and what he doesn’t like to do — dishes!

When it comes to education though, his likes and dislikes can make or break his education and even his continued interest and participation in Judaism.

That is why we created this revolutionary program to make sure your teen is as excited about Torah as he is about sports or other activities. Our program is fun, challenging and surprising, in addition to educational. Now, more than ever, we are seeing a new generation of disenchanted youth who are exposed to the fast-paced, tech crazy world buzzing all around, while inside the classroom they may feel less than excited.

We pulled on our own experience and did countless hours of research to incorporate everything we knew students would want to experience in class. We created our own model that combines our unique history and heritage with the feel and appeal of the modern world. Our fully integrated approach means your teen will learn and apply his knowledge creating a lasting connection to Jewish life and learning.

Many students find it difficult to concentrate and participate in a “traditional” classroom setting. Our beautiful and spacious farm creates an inspiring and creative study environment, where our education comes alive.

What are the age ranges of the program?
– 15-17 year old boys

What is a Kibby?
– It’s a Kibbutz and Yeshiva in one! We believe that combining hands-on work with Torah will create lasting connections to Judaism and self-esteem

How long is the program?
– 1 year

How many students will there be?
– Only 5-10 Students Per Class

Where do they sleep?
– We have state of the art housing for our students

How is the program staffed?
– We have a faculty of teachers, staff counselors and a resident adviser to ensure every student always receives a lot of attention

Is there security?
– Yes-There is a 24 hour security patrol

What does the cost of this program include?
– The cost includes tuition, dorm, 3 healthy meals a day with snacks and field trips

Are there scholarships available?
– Yes. We at Kibby Farms are committed to no one being turned away for financial reasons

Does this program meet all the educational requirements?
– Yes-students will earn all of their high school credits and also have the option to get their GED

Our tuition is based on a 10 month program that fully covers every aspect of your teens experience here. For $3500 a month, your student will receive three delicious meals a day, new and comfortable living accommodations, as well as our unique educational program.

Scholarships are always available. At Kibby, we are committed to no student being turned away because of finances.

Contact us to see if you qualify.

Contact: [email protected]