For Students


Will going to Kibby affect my chances of getting into college?
– Kibby Farm s has an amazing GED track and fully accredited General Studies program. We believe that participating in our program will give you a very well-rounded curriculum and a great list of extracurricular activities.

Will I learn what my friends are learning at their Yeshiva?
– Yes and no. We offer all the courses your friends are learning in a traditional Yeshiva High School program with additional fun courses that you can choose to complement your learning. Check out our course list and electives here.

How’s the food?
– The food is awesome! All our food adheres to strict Kosher and Taste standards—prepared with love by an experienced caterer. After proper training you will also have the opportunity to cook some of the food as well.

Are there any sports or fun activities?
– Absolutely. Almost everything at Kibby will have you on the move, whether we are doing archeological digs, milking cows and learning about the Jewish laws, or doing fun competitions. We also take time each day to play sports or hang out outside.

Do we get breaks?
– Yes. We have 4 breaks a day-2 short recesses in the morning and afternoon and a long break for lunch and after dinner.

Learning is really hard for me, are there tutors?
– We are always here for you. Besides your regular instructor, we also have a counselor on staff that will help you to figure out how you learn the best.

Will I get to go home during the year?
– Yes. We keep our schedule the same as other Yeshiva High Schools so you will get to go home and see your family for all the big holidays. We also have a Parents Day where your parents can come and see you as well.

What else should I know?
– We have created this program specifically for you. Your needs, feedback and opinions are all taken into shape the program to be as fun and meaningful as possible.

Contact: [email protected]